Monday 18 August 2014

First Things First....

I went back upstairs to the loft, a few tears running down my cheeks.  I knew that it was only a week before Joel came back to get me, but that was going to be a long week.  I got to the loft and it was eerily quiet.  I walked into the bedroom and turned on my phone for the first time in twenty four hours.  I knew there was going to be a lot of texts and voicemails, but I needed to face them at sometime.  I turned on the stereo and plugged in my mp3 player and set it on shuffle.  I heard my phone going ballistic on the coffee table.  I knew I should be packing, but I wanted to get the question and answer period over with.  I picked up my phone once it went silent; text messages, emails, and who knows how many voice mails.  I decided to conquer the text messages first...


Mom told me you are moving to California with Joel.  Are you nuts?  You barely know this guy, while yes I like him better than Craig, this is just way too fast! I’ll be home tomorrow, we need talk.

Ok I am home and your phone is going straight to voicemail.  Mom is going nuts, Monroe is ready to fly home, where are you???

Ok I am home; call me when you have a chance.  I am not going to try and stop you despite what mom said I just want to hear you out!


WTF!! Your mom called me about ready to explode.  I told you not to make any rash decisions.  You better call me back ASAP or I am coming home.  Do not think you are leaving that loft.  I told you go and play house for two weeks, not up and move!! 

Why aren’t you answering me? 

Ok I have calmed Daphne down, but seriously Bella this isn’t like you.  You are making such rash decisions.  Did you go straight to California?  Why are you not answering your phone?

Ok I am coming home this week.  I would be there now if I didn’t have so much work to do.  Thank goodness my boss is being very understanding about this.  You better be there when I get there.  We have to talk!

Ok I am booked for a flight Wednesday and I will be there in the afternoon.  If you aren’t working I will see you at the loft.  I hope your phone is just off or out of power.  I am really starting to worry; it is not like you to not answer.


 If you think that little note you left was going to calm me down...think again.  You are NOT moving!  I have told Duane and Monroe and they will be there to stop you from making such a stupid decision. 

Oh you think you’re clever turning off your phone? 


Hey Lady!  Hope your trip home was good!  You are scheduled to be in Thursday for the breakfast run with yours truly!  Can’t wait to see you and hear all about your trip!


Hey baby!  I am at the airport and am waiting for my flight. I can’t believe in one week we will be together permanently.  I love you baby and can’t wait to wake up with you next to me.  I know this is going to be a hard thing to do.  Everyone is against us, which I wished wasn’t the case, but we can be strong together.  They will all realize soon enough that we are perfect for each other.  I love you and can’t wait.  Get your ass packing! Xoxo

I sighed and smiled at Joel’s text and responded to him first. 

Me to Joel:

Hi baby!  I hope you have a safe flight.  I just turned on my phone and yea well I am overwhelmed with messages.  Daphne and Monroe are going to try and put the kibosh on this/us.  Monroe will be here Wednesday.  Duane is home and I will meet up with him at some point.  He is not on the war path, he just wants to talk.  I love you and can’t wait to see you and be with you always! Xo

Me to Duane:

Hi Duane!  I am home now; I turned my phone off and spent some time with Joel before he had to fly back.  If you want to come by, you’re more than welcome.  But I am not going to let you try to talk to me out of moving....

Me to Arianna:

Hey Lady!! The trip home was ‘eventful’ at best.  I will see you Thursday, I have some news but I will not discuss it over the phone or text.  So you will just have to wait and see me Thursday! ;)

Me to Monroe:

Ok don’t send the police I am alive. I turned my phone off.  I will see you Wednesday and I agree there is a lot we need to talk about.  But I refuse to do it through text or on the phone.  We will talk when you get back.  And thanks for calming Daphne down, but by the ‘tone’ of her texts, she’s on the war path.

Me to Mom:

Well it didn’t take you long to seek your minions on me did it?  Mom I love you and I always will...but you have to let me make my own decisions.  I am not going to justify them anymore.  It is my life and it is time I lived by my OWN rules.  I can’t live my life to make you happy; I have to be happy living my life.  With that being said, no matter what you or anyone else says, I AM MOVING!

I nodded with finality as I sent that message.  I got up and changed and decided to conquer the first thing...quitting my job.  I wanted to be professional and give my boss two weeks notice and given it was early in the week; I would be able to do so.  I grabbed my phone, my keys and my purse.  I headed downstairs and walked towards the restaurant.  On my way to the restaurant, I checked my voicemail. Well rather I just deleted all of them.  I knew who they were from and I didn’t care...delete delete delete.....I was done.


1 comment:

  1. I seriously just binge read the whole blog from the beginning to catch up. Although I'm sad I don't have another post to read.. I am absolutely hooked to the storyline and can't wait to see what happens next! Thank you for such an intriguing and entertaining story! -M
