Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Never ... Ever

**Authors Note:  I had originally posted this earlier, and I had a commenter mention that it was not 'not plausible even for fiction' so I thought to myself, maybe I'll change it.  But then after talking with a fellow blogger Arianna she offered me some sympathetic words, and told me that it "You're the author and you're allowed to make your story as real or unrealistic that you like".  And she's right.  So I am reposting as it was originally!  Thanks for the support to all my loyal readers!**

I stared shocked at the people standing before me.  Craig stood there with Candice.  She was smiling like a hyena, and I was her next victim.  I was in disbelief; how the hell did these two know each other?! 

Me: “What the ever loving fuck?!  GET OUT!!!”

I stepped over the broken bottle and moved towards Michelle.

Me: “I know you had nothing to do with this, but you don’t need to stay.”

Michelle: “No I am not leaving you...I am so sorry, they accosted me in the lobby...”

Craig shook his head and laughed.  

Craig: “Accosted you?! Please...”

Me: “What is this all about?  How the fuck do you two know each other?”

Craig: “I tried to get you to come home to me...I tried to get you to talk to me rationally.  Hell I even tried to get you to go to dinner with me.  But no, you just wouldn’t hear me out.  So I did some digging...”

Me: “Why would I hear you out Craig?  I caught you red handed banging my so called best our home...and now she’s pregnant...”

Craig: “IT I S NOT MINE!” he roared.

Me: “Tell it to the judge, and while you’re telling them... GET OUT OF MY HOME!”

Craig: “You don’t remember her do you?!” he laughed.

Me: “No I know who she is; she’s Joel’s ex...”

Craig: “Well she’s that too.  But she’s also one of my old co-workers.  You two have met at some of the company functions.  We still chat every once in a while even though she relocated to San Francisco, and she was expressing that she was having man troubles. When she told me her story and lo and behold when I found out that her Joel was dating my fiancé was too good to be true.”

Me: “You’re both sick!  They aren’t even together anymore.  But I can now figure out how she got my phone number!  You both need to leave ... and I am surprised you don’t have anything to say there Candice.  You had some choice words via text!  Now both of you get out or I am calling the police!”

Candice: “Look bitch, I am the one who dug Joel out of depression when his last girlfriend left him while he was recovering.  I am the one who he was with until he came up here and found you.  I am the one who will pick up the pieces when you leave him, and I will be the one who he is with for the rest of his life...”

I laughed at her; the rest of his life...really?  I scoffed at her delusion.  Michelle the entire time was sitting on the couch watching this go down.  She had tried to say something a few times, but I would put a hand on her shoulder and shake my head.  I love her for trying to defend me, but I didn’t want any more people in this than need be.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Candice’s fist clench at her side and she was irate.  She went to lunge at me, and Craig caught her.

Craig: “Candice calm down!!  Are you crazy?  We will get what we want in the end...and this is not the way to get it.”

He held on to her tight and nuzzled her neck and ear, and I realized right quick that there was much more to their relationship than just co-workers. 

Me: “So did you and Candice bang before me or was she on the dossier of women in your stable.  Did he tell you would tell you his frigid fiancée won’t let him sleep with her, or that she’s far too busy planning your wedding and ignoring his needs?  You know what save it...I don’t care anymore.  GET OUT!”

Craig was backing away with Candice behind him.  His eyes like he got caught again with his hands in the cookie jar.  I snorted, as the truth surfaced.  He was never faithful to me, not once in our entire relationship.

Craig: “This isn’t over Bella.  It will never be over between us.”

Me: This IS OVER!!  Stop with the fatal attraction.  Move on, let go.  LEAVE NOW!”

He grabbed Candice’s hand and dragged her towards the elevator.  I walked towards them.  When the elevator arrived I scanned my pass and slammed the door shut. 

I walked away, I was so sorry that Michelle had to witness that, but at least I had a witness.  If things had got crazy, I had someone to back me up.  I was shocked and shaken up by what had happened.  I knew that Craig was not going to let go, but to stoop to this level...

I leaned against the wall and started to think if I could really do this move.  If Candice was willing to attack me in my own home, what would happen when I am 3000 miles away from everyone?  But I couldn’t let her scare me away from Joel...I half wondered if we could just move somewhere and start anew.

I moved back to the living room and saw Michelle cleaning up the broken bottle and beer that was now drying on the floor.  I hugged her tightly when she was done.  We both just knew, I excused myself to the balcony and grabbed my phone and texted Joel...

Well our crazy exes have now joined forces apparently.  Remember when you said you would move anywhere to be with me?  Well maybe it is time for both of us to move, and start fresh somewhere new.  What do you say?


  1. I don't think it's all that unrealistic. Just adds another twist to the story.

  2. Who cares if it's realistic or not? It's a story... not an autobiography. What about werewolf and vampire stories? Do you think those authors ever cared if their story was realistic? I seriously doubt it, otherwise they wouldn't be selling so many. Some people just want to be the prick in every situation. It's your story, write it how you'd like. So far, I love the story line.

    It's a story, not a dick.. don't take it literally. :)

    1. I love this comment.

    2. The other way is... its a joke.. not a dick.. dont take it so hard. But that didnt really apply here so i had to change it lol

  3. Love your blog, just started reading it & finally caught up to present. You've got a great storyline going and I cant wait to see what happens next!
    ~ Bek

  4. When I was 12, I started a new school an met a girl who would be a good friend. At 14, she moved to another province. A couple years later, she moved back to my province but lived 7 hours south. When she got married at 21, I went and saw that one of her bridesmaids was another girl that I had met in the interim who lived in a city a few hours north of me, but who she had met at a summer camp after she left my city. So...random connections happen in real life too. :)

  5. I'm sorry that your made up story isn't real.

    Wait. What?

    I liked it :)

    New Beginning, New Adventures

  6. It's a fun twist and who expects everything to be perfectly logical in a fictional blog? My only qualm is the format of the post where it feels like reading a script rather than a story.

  7. Im missing my weekly Bella fix!! Come baaaaccckkkk lol

    1. Sorry! I've been at a conference for the last few days. I will try and get a post up tmrw.

  8. ~J, I was just getting ready to say the same thing. Lol
